Monday, February 22, 2010


It is muy frio outside. I am working on my Espanol. It is very importante in the ER because probably 40% of people coming in are spanish speaking only. I have been having a great time in clinicals which is good considering I am there 12-24 hours a week--It's too bad we aren't getting paid for those hours. So far I have seen more than I imagined and have learned more than I can imagine. I love how diverse the ER is and think it will really help me in the future because I will know quite a bit about almost any situation.

It's hard to think of anything to talk about other than school because it is pretty much consuming my life right now. I want to give everyone a big huge apology for the past month and for the next 3 because I will not be seeing you much. I am not ignoring anyone. It is hard to choose friends over my sweet husband when I finally get a night off because he seems just as busy, if not more. We were blessed to spend an entire day together this past Sunday. It was awesome. I am still so very much in love with this man I married. I was thinking the other day about how God picked us out for eachother when we were only creatures in our mother's stomaches and how He must have laughed every time we dated someone other than eachother.

Ok I have writers block.

Well, let us all pray for snow tomorrow so I don't have class.

Good evening!


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